Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Andrew and Yesenia

Some more pictures of this adorable couple! Yesenia and Andrew are a couple of our church. I met Yesenia when I first got to the US (4 years already!), and she has such a fun personality and a very good style! Yesenia and Andrew have been dating for years, and a few months ago, they got engaged! I was so excited for them when I heard the news! And of course, when she told me that she wanted us to be her wedding photographers I was just ..... just too excited! The session went really good, and we really enjoy spending some time with them and coming up with poses and ideas!

Here are some of our favs!!!

Thank you for stopping by ;)

Nate & Arancha Photography-Huntsville Wedding Photography


Betsy Jo said...

Your work is so beautiful; so real, gorgeous and so professional! I found you from a comment you left on Justin and Mary's blog- LOVE your stuff! Wish you were closer, so I could have a shoot! :)

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

thank you Betsy!!!! :) God bless you!