Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photography tips: crispness

Crispness and sharpness are key factors that can make a difference in your pictures, and many photographers wonder what is the best way to obtain this. We are not the best photographers you can find, but sharpness is something we try to improve and look for in every picture. Unsharped pictures make me unhappy! Seriously! I cannot stand seeing a picture that is not tack sharp, and unfortunately, it sometimes happens. So if you like the look of our pictures, we can share with you the three main factors that helps us obtain sharp and crisp images (there are some more, but these are the top factors for us). Sure we might not have the sharpest images you can see in the whole wide world, but if it's what you're looking for, here it goes!
- Lens: a good lens can make a huuuuuge difference in your pictures. You can be using a Canon 5D Mark II, but if you don't have a good lens, your pictures won't look the same. We shoot most of our images with a 50mm 1.4. It is a prime lens and prime lenses give you the sharpest images (if used right). Hopefully we will be able to upgrade to a 50mm 1.2 soon!
- Light: finding the best light can also make a difference in your pictures as far as crispness concerns. The best light to me is around 6 or 7pm in the summer, or 4.30 or 5pm in the winter. It's lovely! It makes such a difference in our pictures!
- Speed: for moving subjects, it is very important to maintain a fast speed. Even faster for kids, who will move a lot! I try to keep my speed at 1/250 so the movement does not affect my picture, unless I see the subject move to fast, then I'll try to increase my speed.

We hope we can be a blessing with our tips. If you have any question, please let us know! The Bible says, if God gives you a gift, use it for His glory! So we are trying our best to do this and we will let you know how we want to do it. But for now, at least sharing can be a good thing to do! :)

Have a wonderful day!

Nate and Arancha Photography-Huntsville Children and Family Photography

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