Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sneak Peek: Garan & Mandie are married!!!!

And here is a sneak peek of a great couple! I'm in the car on our way back from the wedding and couldn't wait to post a few!!!!

Congratulations Garan and Mandie! The wedding was beautiful and we wish you the best! God bless you!

Nate and Arancha Photography-Huntsville Wedding Photography


Anonymous said...

Aw! She looks so beautiful!! And JOY!!! So SOOOO pretty!

yay! :)

Pilar said...


Deanna said...

Good job, Arancha! You do beautiful work!

Frank DiMeo said...

Love the vintage processing with the vintage car!

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Thank you guys!!!! It was actually his car and he had been working on it for a while! it was really nice to be able to use it for the pictures!