Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A little tip

We are still waiting to receive our new lens and our new business cards! I'm so excited about them that the first thing I do when I have a break is check the mail, lol

We are having a few photo shoots coming up! We are sorry for the lack of posts with our latest sessions! We will be able to post them in about a week, and we will post our upcoming sessions as soon as we can!

I would like to leave you with a photography tip :) (for those of you that love photography) Besides of finding the best light, once we start editing images, one of the key things to us is CONTRAST! That is something that we like to increase in our images! Shoot RAW, add contrast, and if the images have been properly exposed, just add contrast and you will get amazing results!!!! Sounds like the easiest thing on earth, and sorry if you might probably now this already. But we hope it was a help to those are starting to learn about photo editing ;) 

I remember a few months ago, when I started learning to edit images, I would just look for photography tips everywhere, trying to figure out what our images were lacking. I thought it was the camera so I tried to figure out what camera would give me a magazine style picture editing! Hello! What was I thinking? The camera does not make the picture, the photographer does! You can do great things with the cheapest DSLR camera! Although the better the camera, the more flexibility and quality...After some practice with light and poses, exposing properly, and playing around with post-processing, voila! We got what we were looking for! And it was easier than what we thought! Of course, we still don't have magazine pictures, but we found the style we were looking for :)

Here is an example of a picture that was shot in RAW and just added contrast and sharpening:

Have a wonderful day!!!


Nate and Arancha Photography-Huntsville Portrait and Wedding Photography

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