Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Today I went to downtown Knoxville again to take some pictures for my very good friend Fatima! She was also one of my bridesmaids. She did such a great job! :D We spent about an hour and a half walking around downtown and trying to find good spots at 2 pm... it was very sunny (2 pm is not the best time for photo shootings) and so hot and we got soooo tired! but it was worth it! We had a great time and it helped me learn some more and improve a few things! I can't wait to keep taking some more pictures!!!!


Faviana said...

Hola Arancha, que fotos las que tomas! me encantaria poder tomar unas como esas, a mi me encanta la fotografia, y me encantaria estudiar, pero por ahora no puedo. Me encantaria que podrias tomar unas fotos de mi familia (david, ian and me). Me encanta tu blog, en especial las fotos!

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Muchas gracias!!! Yo hice varios cursos en Espana y ahora estoy aprendiendo mas de digital asi que si necesitas ayuda ya sabes!!!!
Nunca he hecho fotos familiares y me encantaria probar!
Me alegro de que te gusten las fotos! Me hace mucha ilusion oirlo!!! Voy a seguir actualizando fotos segun las vaya editando con Photoshop.
Cuidate!!! Hablamos!!!!! :D