Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our first FAQ post!!!!

Lately I have been struggling about what to blog about! (did that sound redundant?) I love blogging, but we are having really busy lives lately! And I know I always say the same...it has improved, and we're getting better and are organizing our schedules in a better way!  But thinking about things that I like reading about, I remembered something I LOVED to read about when reading other photographer's blogs! It helped me so much when I started photography, and is still helping me now. Frequently asked questions posts!!!! We have never done a FAQ post before! But I thought it would be fun to do and could help those people interested in improving their photography skills, or just learning about photography! We have been asked a few questions since we started our business, not only basic, but also advanced ones, and we decided to start sharing them here, starting with the most basic ones :) So here we goooo!

What is your favorite equipment?

For portraits, we mainly use our Canon 5D with the 50mm 1.4 lens. If I want to do a cooler effect with couples or groups, I'll use my wide angle (24mm 1.8), which gives really good results if shot at a 2.2 or a higher aperture, and getting close to the subject. I'm so happy with the results of these two lenses together, that I haven't felt the need to get a different one yet. But probably, when we buy our next lens, it will be a 50mm 1.2 or 85mm 1.2.

What software do you use for your post-processing?

It depends. I loooove Lightroom and how it speeds up my post processing. I love all the tools and the corrections I can do with it, but I love how much more meticulous I can be when editing with Photoshop. So depending on what effect I want to end up with, I'll use either one, or both! I have pictures that I have edited just with Photoshop, and pictures I've edited just with Lightroom. I'll show you some examples on the bottom of this post!

Do you use Photoshop actions?

Many times I do, and many other times I just do my own editing to produce the result I want on a certain picture. Sometimes I just have in mind the exact result I want for a specific picture (specially for studio pictures), and the only way to obtain it is by doing my own changes and corrections. You can create your own actions and presets and use them for future sessions! It speeds up your post-processing so much!  But we have some actions that we absolutely love and also use that we bought from professional designers!!!!!

If you have any question you would like for us to help you with, send us an e-mail and we'll be glad to prepare another FAQ post! We would like to be a blessing to you! :)

Have a great day!


Nate and Arancha Photography-Huntsville Family and Children Photography

And heres is an example of a picture taken with our 24 mm lens! This picture has been edited with just Photoshop.


Mom said...

Arancha, I think your idea for this info blog will be very helpful to others and..... just wanted to let you know I think you are a very awesome daughter....Love, Roberta

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Thank you! We're hoping it will help somebody! We love you too and can't wait to see you!