Welcome to our blog! We are missionaries to Spain who use photography to be a blessing to other missionaries and pastors. Since then, God has truly blessed our hobby and we are enjoying taking pictures even more! Feel free to comment! We love hearing about people and sharing experiences on photography, missions, and God!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A before and after post!

I love before and after posts! But I haven't been very inspired lately in posting. I spent one week with no Internet, one week substituting a lady on vacation at an office, and one week of VBS and Bible Conference. That took most of my day and I wasn't able to post much and couldn't think what to post about... But I've been editing a lot these last days and I've realized how important post-processing is in photography. I try to shoot as perfect as possible so the pictures will not need much editing (just contrast and voila!), but sometimes I like adding some effects! I looove blue skies and found the perfect picture to use for this post!
Just remember! I am not the best at editing and probably could make things better. But these are my results from what I 've learned these couple of years! I hope it can help you!

I used a wide angle and shot this pictures while laying on the ground (I'm known as the photographer that always lays on the ground lol). I used my 28mm 1.8 (affordable and efficient!). If you have one or are thinking about buying it, just remember to shoot at 2.8 or higher for sharper images :)

I edited it in Lightroom. I added some fill light to make their faces lighter without making the sky lighter. I played with the luminance for blues (brought the slider down to the left), and added some contrast. Then I added a vignette.

Then in Photoshop, I used a sharpening action. There are many good sharpening actions out there that bring amazing results! I looooove them! I dont use them all the time, but I love the effect of them in certain pictures, specially this one!

It was easy, wasn't it? If you have any question, feel free to email me :)

Have a wonderful and blessed monday! And remember, God is with us, we just have to be with Him :)


Nate and Arancha Photography-Huntsville Baby, Children, and Family Photography

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